Monday, September 7, 2009


I am, prone to death over immediate time. I need to guard my arachnoid granulations. My dreams are fish swimming in fast rivers underneath my skull in the dark.

The regions of the brain are named poetically the same as regions of the moon:

                Aqeduct of sylvius ;     
         Foramen of monro;

      a mammilary body,

 pyramid of medulla

for they are products of a romantic age,
 named like islands in the caribbean for their discoverers.

Neural evolution working out design barriers at the line of living neural tissue and non-living construct.

 The cerebellum branches look fluffy to the touch  like delicate coral
and perhaps they are, in the dark, and  not on the bright steel lab counter

 pickled in glass morton jars.

Controversy of Spheres

_ ________________________________
so who gave you the mic?

sit down, give someone some room

always standing in front

let someone else speak

give someone else silence.

doesn’t always have to be about you

looking at yourself in the mirror

i’m hear too…honey

and will always be here

so you better start sharing more

i can do just as well as you ever did

what will happen

when you open up

can’t be predicted

i’ve at least learned that



Beard Years

1965- Mid-February 1969: No Beard

Mid-February 1969-September 1969-beard

Mid-September 1969-Early June 1970- No beard

June 1970-March 1971-Beard

March 1971-July 3, 1971 (death)no beard.

Many travels since.

Monkey mind, dancing, nodding your head

tapping the branch, smiling at your reflection

Alone but a nut, sunset your friend,

Many trips to go,

Too many days to trip

Im not saying its got to be


All my life a calm circus

Course in jeopardy

Laughing baby

Prettiest flower

In my window

Of my moving car


"The first stage is like ordinary drinking, the second when you begin to see monstrous and cruel things," wrote Oscar Wilde of absinthe, "But if you can persevere you will enter in upon the third stage where you see things that you want to see."

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