Thursday, December 2, 2010

wisdom gospel

yeshua said

as for you
be on guard against the world
arm yourself with great strength
or the robbers will find a way to reach you

Yeshua saw some babies nursing
he said to his students
these nursing babies
are like those who enter the kingdom

when you make the two into one
the inner like the outer
upper like the lower
and when you make male and female
into a single one
so that the male will not be male
and the female not the female
when you make
an image in place of an image
you will enter the kingdom

I took my stand in the midst of the world
and I appeared to them in flesh
i found them all drunk
yet none of them were thirsty

My soul ached for the human children
because they are blind in their hearts
they came into the world empty
and seek to depart from the world empty
but now they are drunk

if the flesh came into being because of spirit
it is marvelous
but if spirit came into body because of body
it is a marvel of marvels

yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell
in this poverty

when you strip naked without being ashamed
and take your clothes and put them under your feet
like small children and trample them
then you will see the child of the living one
and you will not be afraid

a grapevine has been planted far from the father

since it is not strong
it will be pulled up by the roots and perish

be passersby

his students said,
Who are you to say these things to us?

He answered
from what I tell you , you do not know
                    who I am
but you have become like the jews

they love the tree but hate its fruit
or love the fruit but hate the tree

whoever blasphemes against the father
the son
will be forgiven
but whoever blasphemes against the Spirit
will not be forgiven
either on earth or in heaven

if they say to you
where have you come from?
say to them,      we have come from the light,
from the place where
the light came
into being by itself
established itself
and appeared in their image

if they ask you
what is the evidence
of the father in you?
say to them

it is motion and rest

whoever has come to know the world
has discovered a carcass
and whoever has discovered a carcass
of that person
the world is not worthy

I am the one who comes from what is whole
I say if you are whole
you will be filled with light

if you bring forth what is within you
what you have will save you
if you have nothing within you
what you do not have within
will kill you

I am the light over all things
I am all

from Me has come forth
and to me all has reached

spit a piece of wood
I am there
lift up the stone
and you will find Me there

whoever has come to know the world
has discovered the body,
and whoever has discovered the body
of that person the world is not worthy

you see images
but the light within them is hidden in the image
of the fathers light

he will be disclosed
but his image is hidden by his light

when you see your likeness you are happy
but when you see your images that came into being before you
and that neither die
nor become visible
how much
you will bear

how miserable is the body that depends on a body
and how miserable is the soul that depends on both

the prophets will come to you
and give you what is yours
you give them what you have and wonder
when will they come and take what is theirs?

you examine the face of heaven and earth
but have not come to know the one
who is in your presence
and you do not know how to examine
the moment

those who do not hate their father and mother as I do
cannot be my students
and those who do not love their father and mother as I do
cannot be my students
for my mother gave  me falsehood
but my true mother gave me life

shame on the Pharisees.
they are like dogs sleeping in the cattle manger
that do not eat or let the cattle eat

the pharisees and the scholars
have taken the keys of knowledge
and hidden them
nor have they allowed those who want to enter
go inside
you should be as shrewd as snakes
and innocent as doves

shame on the flesh that depends on the soul
shame on the soul that depends on the flesh

the kingdom
is like a shepherd
who had a hundred sheep
one of them,  the largest
went astray
He left the ninety nine and looked
for the one until he found it

after so much trouble He said to the sheep
I love you more than the ninety nine

his students asked
    when will the kingdom come

he answered
it will not come because you are watching for it
no one will announce-  Look here it is!

it is spread out upon the earth
and people do not see it
give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's
give god the things that our god's
and give me
what is mine

I say if you are whole you will be filled with light
but if divided
you will be filled with

his students asked
    when will the new world come?

He said
what you look for has come
but you do not know it

the heaven will pass away
and the one above it will pass away
the dead are not alive
and the living will not die
during the days when you ate what is dead
you made it alive
on the day when you were one
you became two
if you ate dead things and made them living
what will you do
if you eat living things?

whoever discovers what these sayings mean
will not taste death