Sunday, May 22, 2011

palacio longoria

the candidate for prez
shouted to the drunk crowd
I welcome altered states!
I welcome all alterations!
We need to get evolution
rolling again!
past these power elites
(drains glass)
we see from history
past civilations
like athens
lowered it down
with these mysteries
Get Comfortable with it folks!
We can't go at 25 if were doing 70 now
the limit a cliff is in view
act as an organism
with species identity

 The four boards of the coffin lid
Heard all the dead man did.

The first curse was in his mouth,
Made of grave's mould and deadly drouth.

The next curse was in his head,
Made of God's work discomfited.

The next curse was in his hands,
Made out of two grave-bands.

The next curse was in his feet,
Made out of a grave-sheet.

"I had fair coins red and white,
And my name was as great light;

I had fair clothes green and red,
And strong gold bound round my head.

But no meat comes in my mouth,
Now I fare as the worm doth;

And no gold binds in my hair,
Now I fare as the blind fare.

My live thews were of great strength,
Now am I waxen a span's length;

My live sides were full of lust,
Now are they dried with dust.

The first board spake and said:
"Is it best eating flesh or bread?"

The second answered it:
"Is wine or honey the more sweet?"

The third board spake and said:
"Is red gold worth a girl's gold head?"

The fourth made answer thus:
"All these things are as one with us."

The dead man asked of them:
"Is the green land stained brown with flame?
Have they hewn my son for beasts to eat,
And my wife's body for beasts' meat?

Have they boiled my maid in a brass pan,
And built a gallows to hang my man?"

The boards said to him:
"This is a lewd thing that ye deem.

Your wife has gotten a golden bed,
All the sheets are sewn with red.

Your son has gotten a coat of silk,
The sleeves are soft as curded milk.

Your maid has gotten a kirtle new,
All the skirt has braids of blue.

Your man has gotten both ring and glove,
Wrought well for eyes to love."

The dead man answered thus:
"What good gift shall God give us?"

The boards answered him anon:
"Flesh to feed hell's worm upon."

      news from algernon

Allen ( Paterson, New Jersey) to Jack (Mexico City)                
Saturday Night, July 8, 1950

Dearest Jack:
      If you are in any ennui or doldrums, lift up your heart, there IS something new under the sun.  I have started into a new season, choosing women as my theme.  I love Helen Parker, and she loves me, as far  as the feeble efforts to understanding of three days spent with her  in Provincetown can discover.  Many  of my fears and imaginations and dun rags fell from me after the first night I slept with  her, when we understood that we wanted each other and began a love affair, with all the trimmings of Eros and memory and  nearly impossible transportation problems.
      She  is  very great, every way--at last, a beautiful intelligent  woman who has  been around and bears the scars of every type of knowledge and yet  struggles with the serpent  knowing  full  well the loneliness of  being  left  with the apple of knowledge and the snake only.  We talk and  talk, I entertain  her in grand manner  with my best groomed Hungarian manner, and I  play Levinsky-on-thetrollycar, or mad  hipster with cosmic vibrations, and then, O wonder, I am  like myself,  and we  talk on seriously and intimately without  irony  about all sorts of  subjects, from the most obscure  metaphysical through a gamut to the  natural  self; then  we  screw, and  I am all man and full  of  love, and then  we smoke and talk some more, and sleep, and  get  up and eat, etc.
      The  first days  after I  lost  my cherry--does  everybody feel like that?  I wandered around in the  most benign and courteous  stupor of delight at the perfection  of nature; I  felt  the ease and relief of knowledge that all the maddening walls of  Heaven were finally down, that all my olden aking corridors were traveled  out of, that all my queerness was a camp, unnecessary,  morbid, so lacking  in completion and  sharing  of love as to be almost as bad as impotence and celibacy, which  it practically was, anyway.  And  the fantasies I began having about all sorts of girls, for the first time freely and with  the knowledge  that they were satisfiable.
      Ah Jack, I always said that I would be a great lover some day.  I  am,  I  am at last.  My lady  is so  fine  that  none compare.   And how can she  resist me?  I'm old, I'm full of love, when I'm  aroused I'm  like a veritable bull  of tenderness; I have no pride of heart, I  know all about all the worlds, I'm poetic, I'm antipoetic, I'm  a labor leader, I'm  a  madman, I'm a  man, I've got one.  And  I have no illusions, and like a virgin I have all of them,  I'm wise,  I'm simple. And she, she's a great old  woman with a beautiful face and a perfect fair body that everybody in the neighborhood calls a whore.   She's so sharp, and  she never makes me shudder. She don't want war, she  wants love....
      By god, I've been canorked with a feather!
      Tell Bill my fright as he described it is quite accurate, and it took me a long time to get over it; but it was also a fear of having put my money on the wrong horse spiritually and sexually; and I was frightened when I discovered that I had, though the race was not yet over; and my bet had consequences to others besides myself--such a responsibility! yet!

the impressionnistes?!
are you serious
american beats
were the most
powerful gang
since the romans
they continue
to change to dissolve

the parnasse
a mere spur not peers
no other cell
only perhaps
the leninists
because of what the future holds

people think they rose
with the tide
without intent
bravely alone
almost all were
confined  in sanitation
but they were right
openness is smart
driving into the west
neal and jack