: Drunk couple lean on a concrete green flaked wall bisected by a brown wide stripe. One from the window.
3 : 1 7 am.
Boy tired, a girl bored. Music noone is aware of. M. Ward distant. No words. Weird Daniel piano.
Beige ashtray, crusted spine.
B Friday, the lake?
G Need to study. Morning or afternoon
B If morning you'll never go
G You won't leave me or the bed
B that's a good plan
G We won't know until morning
B I can't imagine later that morning will count
G Sleep. Lets go.
B One more beer or I'll walk asleep
G Its a long walk,
B No sitting?
G Not every week.
B Glory days-no lines
G no memory
B Can't stop memory. I remember things never tried or never wanted. (drains green bottle back)
Many things I forgot like fifth grade.
G Couldn't have been interesting. I don't remember how old.
B So if you would remember tomorrow what would you do?
G You don't want to know. Not the lake, maybe not you.
B Too late to tell me.
G Pay or leave money.
B Five minutes
Fifteen minutes later, he hid a beer. He grabs the steel in the glass door and they walk into yellow light.
Breathes, a tree from cement. All ahead. He will.
She thinks better. Needs to leave, waste.
To wake up alone. Get out early. Drunkenness.. Church in the afternoon.
Voices on a staircase. The sleeping have given up.
Grey sparrow its head under wing, peering down. Confused jay alone chirping.
College mopped by singers with arms tired surrendering. Profit in the tile churns up new tools.
Twenty five years later men reach to a shadow, remembering more.
Love snuggles, leagues away into a forever man.