Thursday, September 23, 2010

harlye tail rigid silky edge
chortles furiously
not going to even look at you
standing above
with a tooth stuck out
but you love it
72 don't mess with him
crazy three pounds
surviving  the viking
surviving  miami
showing   the butt

all these people
lining up to give
story for attention
easily compartmentalized
but never missed
with a cost unknown
reading by magic
journey talk
interior comfort
moving back and forth

take take take
good as seals violet
smoothcool riff
beatles vox
liam in bubbles
moon on drums
eno playing frankie

p's dance trumpet flare
singing pages of perspective
from a Spanish crag
soft tremulous organ
high in the clouds

strugglin in the square
live 1960 so what
slave giant holding thousands
every night in a glass case

 body looking up
leaves in front
pink glens
bitches brew smmmooth