Monday, September 7, 2009

$5,000 per American

What is proposed  by the change administration is not health care reform. The care is generally fine. 

 What is needed is  Insurance reform. 

Insurers are spending  300 million lobbbying Congress  not because they care about healthcare.  They are protecting their profits, their way of doing business. 

Only in the healthcare way of business,  unlike online travel, music, books, cars and other evolving industries, is the consumer so distant and removed from selection and price  negotiation with  the doctor or even the insurer since care and coverage come  through the  employer.  The consumer is left with little if any discounting leverage  and thus prices go up in the absence of his ability to reduce demand and hold them down.

Insurers are a single payer system, this  is already a  "socialistic" system   but instead of a bureaucrat at the top you have a profiteer.   The insurer recieves all the money, decides with arcane fraud what service it will provide, and then pays the doctor and hospital what it likes. The old communist party had less control and more concern for you then Humana.

They pick and choose who they will cover and can't be sued for their conduct.

Who has really come between americans  and their doctor?

Because the new plan is not in writing insurers can scare people with big brother threats from the people who are trying to create and maintain Big Brother. 

Obama needs to offer each american insurance for five thousand a year.  Pool all the money and hire a bunch more people to run the plan exactly as they have run medicare for thirty years.   Most americans know what they will  get with medicare and if  they  don't like it they can go with  private coverage.

What is new in the plan, competition.  The gravest threat to any business.  Real money is made by monopolies.

Insurance premiums would drop below $5,000  ahead of the plan's  passage and you would start to wipe out some of the 40% pork you're paying for now with insurance's administrative costs  and corporate jets.

No public option leaves no competition.

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