Sunday, December 7, 2014

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014


neters return

nectars seep

i search the emptiness


and him

sun gives night

hair reads light

pears and skin

vapors and wine

fingers and treats

harmony fall

layers in mother pillows

in rose mary white roses

an ocean

dusk drawing


the eye



Tuesday, October 7, 2014

the difference between levels of tolerance is exponential

almost chakra like

probably so

the sharp rise at the end

on the way back

rich and ascendant

a need to lever and play with planes

then reduce


the only reservation per spirit of az


Friday, October 3, 2014

is the population self selecting
nothing more
its "selection" process
only modified,
most certainly,
by extension cultures

evocations and interreflections
any core process end?

only fast change
without presence
in time or space
like a sailfin tang hue
adapting to circumstance
nothing more

wanting so
to be a process
one would expect
to be foundational design
source programming
for units
experienced by you

Atum reclined in the bath of Nun and coming,

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

volumes in volume
descent into number

in a field of


the further you are from the elements

the longer you can be alone

these are all things we know

because we know them when we sleep

Sunday, September 28, 2014

warm in the october lights

awake w/o a moon

a home

crying for grass

my dirt and the rocks

to pond my soul

for the nights

a heart

with no name

but a label

in the plastic

old juice

for the chill


the 'ties

the runs

pals spinning aflight

and I afloat in leaps

to the shore

and my faits

my path to step

dry in the light

wet in aside

for here could be a line

here is a stop

o but on a flee


Saturday, September 20, 2014

 you can leave any instant

so you are choosing to stay

and this

like coral

resculpting outside

in miniature


8 hours of every circle

you know not


a State dream state for the day

your right to the light

a message board

of thoughts and feelings

with all the pressure

of infinity behind them

this dream

with the people and you

mirrors from fears

of me


Saturday, September 6, 2014

the scary part is if the left is
a shade shadow
the animals are as conscious
as us
seeing our predicament

teaching me everything these dogs
an extrapolation of the present

why want more days
if there is no plan


Thursday, September 4, 2014


is this country

its structure of governing

sophisticated enough to

have another constitutional convention

to split the union

manifest destiny is not unity

another destiny manifests

do you desire to be reborn

after life on this earth

maybe to your grandkids

recall the uterine memories

dreams and plans

smiles at the light

mother the machine

Sunday, August 31, 2014

my mother went to school on the blvd
came from the canyons to the blvd
learned with the celibates on the blvd
a ribboned poet on the blvd
sung of me on the blvd
went to the hills above the blvd
to the sunrise from the blvd
to me on the blvd
to love


Sunday, August 17, 2014

my competence is sectoid

a muscle in a shell

my words a scripture for a mind

hearts of sufi remain open

welcome to the coming

what is the heart

what hollow timber

a word love

every thing yet never seen

by some blind to All

we have billions within us

to work with

all those boys in the past

dead as i die today

to rise on morrow's gain

the sterility of the now

tell them you were here

no past no future

no causality

a step

a new 14 hour version

spit different every rise

leaving notes

the very oldest

conversant with time

speaking again

of cycle

does anyone see

what the inter net is

it is on you

it will be in you

catching you

and best,

your children

yet the elders

trained salesmen

the donors

lead the young

to the next new circle

net work

losing the opportunity

to live your mind

unshelved and unlabeled

if the young ever had it

but we did we all did

until 5 when

we don't remember

we were the happiest

the satanic rape

the denial

is shrieking now

as Man loves-worships

his tool him self

denying his creator


the dryest in tender

feelings & ether

after the embers

brave dark matter

dark energy

it is you

dissolve into

change change

faster change

you are only orientation

dissolution practice

succeeding productions

of yourself in

sand liquid blood

yellow red and black

when you stroll away

sand clean

welcome change

modify rate

nature and mother

will do what it wants

with you


Monday, July 21, 2014

a wordless sense



Sunday, June 22, 2014

after everything was written it just stopped
pending on the volva

leaving reason behind
there is still much there

thinking better
if your body does less
so sit

little boy opening a dark room
with a door
with 100s of spiders
behind it


maintain the now

Monday, June 16, 2014

SIR THOMAS WYATT, the Younger  was the eldest and only surviving son of Sir Thomas Wyatt the elder , by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Brooke, third lord Cobham. He was brought up as a catholic. He is described as 'twenty-one years and upwards' in the 'inquisitio post mortem' of his father, which was dated 8 Jan. 1542-3. The Duke of Norfolk  was one of his godfathers.

In boyhood he is said to have accompanied his father on an embassy to Spain, where the elder Sir Thomas Wyatt  was threatened by the Inquisition. To this episode has been traced an irremovable detestation of the Spanish government, but the anecdote is probably apocryphal. All that is positively known of his relations with his father while the latter was in Spain is found in two letters which the elder Wyatt addressed from Spain to the younger, then fifteen years old. The letters give much sound moral advice.

In 1537 young Wyatt married when barely sixteen. He succeeded on his father's death in 1542 to Allington Castle and Boxley Abbey in Kent, with much other property. But the estate was embarrassed, and he parted with some outlying lands on 30 Nov. 1543 to the king, receiving for them £3,669 8s. 2d. In 1542 he alienated, too, the estate of Tarrant in Dorset in favour of a natural son, Francis Wyatt, whose mother was Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Edward Darrel of Littlecote. Wyatt was of somewhat wild and impulsive temperament. At an early age he had made the acquaintance of his father's disciple, Henry Howard, earl of Surrey , and during Lent 1543 he joined Surrey and other young men in breaking at night the windows of citizens' houses and of London churches. They were arrested and brought before the privy council on 1 April, and they were charged not merely with acts of violence, but with having eaten meat during Lent. Surrey explained that his efforts were directed to awakening the citizens of London to a sense of sin. Wyatt was inclined to deny the charges. He remained in the Tower till 3 May. 

In the autumn of 1543 Wyatt joined a regiment of volunteers which Surrey raised at his own expense to take part in the siege of Landrecies. Wyatt distinguished himself in the military operations, and was highly commended by Thomas Churchyard, who was present. In 1544 Wyatt took part in the siege of Boulogne  and was given responsible command next year. When Surrey became governor he joined the English council there (14 June 1545). Surrey, writing to Henry VIII , highly commended Wyatt's hardiness, painfulness, circumspection, and natural disposition to the war. He seems to have remained abroad till the surrender of Boulogne in 1550. 

In November 1550 he was named a commissioner to delimit the English frontier in France, but owing to ill-health was unable to act. Subsequently he claimed to have served Queen Mary  against the Duke of Northumberland  when the duke attempted to secure the throne for his daughter-in-law, Lady Jane Grey .

But he took no well-defined part in public affairs at home until he learned of Queen Mary's resolve to marry Philip of Spain . He regarded the step as an outrage on the nation's honour, but, according to his own account, never thought of publicly protesting against it until he received an invitation from Edward Courtenay, earl of Devonshire , to join in a general insurrection throughout the country for the purpose of preventing the accomplishment of the queen's plan.

He cheerfully undertook to raise Kent. Help was vaguely promised him by the French ambassador.

The official announcement of the marriage was published on 15 Jan. 1553-4.

Seven days later Wyatt summoned his friends and neighbours to meet at Allington Castle 

to discuss means of resistance. He offered, if they would attempt an armed rebellion, to lead the insurgent force. Like endeavours made by Courtenaythe Duke of Suffolk , Sir James Crofts, and Sir Peter Carew , to excite rebellion in other counties had failed. The instigators elsewhere were all arrested before they had time to mature their designs. Wyatt was thus forced into the position of chief actor in the attack on the government of the queen. He straightway published a proclamation at Maidstone which was addressed 'unto the commons' of Kent.

He stated that his course had been approved by 'dyvers of the best of the shire.' Neighbours and friends were urged to secure the advancement of 'liberty and commonwealth,' which were imperilled by 'the queen's determinate pleasure to marry with a stranger.'

Wyatt showed himself worthy of his responsibilities and laid his plans with boldness. Noailles, the French ambassador, wrote that he was 'estimé par deçà homme vaillant et de bonne conduicte;' and M. d'Oysel, the French ambassador in Scotland, who was at the time in London, informed the French king, his master, that
Wyatt was 'ung gentil chevallier et fort estimé parmy ceste nation.' 

Fifteen hundred men were soon in arms under his command, while five thousand promised adherence later. He fixed his headquarters at the castle of Rochester. Some cannon and ammunition were secretly sent him up the Medway by agents in London; batteries were erected to command the passage of the bridge at Rochester and the opposite bank of the river.

When the news of Wyatt's action reached the queen and government in London, a proclamation was issued offering pardon to such of his followers as should within twenty-four hours depart peaceably to their homes. Royal officers with their retainers were despatched to disperse small parties of Wyatt's associates while on their way to Rochester; Sir Robert Southwell broke up one band under an insurgent named Knevet; Lord Abergavenny defeated another reinforcement led by a friend of Wyatt named Isley; the citizens of Canterbury rejected Wyatt's entreaties to join him, and derided his threats.

Wyatt maintained the spirit of his followers by announcing that he daily expected succour from France, and circulated false reports of successful risings in other parts of the country. 

Some of his followers sent to the council offers to return to their duty, and at the end of January Wyatt's fortunes looked desperate. But the tide turned for a season in his favour when the government ordered the Duke of Norfolk  to march from London upon Wyatt's main body, with a detachment of white-coated guards under the command of Sir Henry Jerningham.

The manoeuvre gave Wyatt an unexpected advantage. The duke was followed immediately by five hundred Londoners, hastily collected by one Captain Bret, and was afterwards joined by the sheriff of Kent, who had called out the trained bands of the county. The force thus embodied by the government was inferior in number to Wyatt's, and it included many who were in sympathy with the rebels. As soon as they came within touch of Wyatt's forces at Rochester, the majority of them joined him, and the duke with his principal officers fled towards Gravesend.

Wyatt set out for London at the head of four thousand men. He found the road open. Through Dartford and Gravesend he marched to Blackheath, where he encamped on 29 Jan. 1553-4. The government acknowledged the seriousness of the situation, and sent Wyatt a message inviting him to formulate his demands, but this was only a means of gaining time.

On 1 Feb. 1554 Mary proceeded to the Guildhall and addressed the citizens of London on the need of meeting the danger summarily. Wyatt was proclaimed a traitor. Next morning more than twenty thousand men enrolled their names for the protection of the city. Special precautions were taken for the security of the court and the Tower; many bridges over the Thames within a distance of fifteen miles were broken down; all peers in the neighbourhood of London received orders to raise their tenantry; and on 3 Feb. a reward of land of the annual value of one hundred pounds a year was offered the captor of Wyatt's person.

The same day Wyatt entered Southwark, but his followers were alarmed by the reports of the government's activity. Many deserted, and Wyatt found himself compelled by the batteries on the Tower to evacuate Southwark. Turning to the south he directed his steps towards Kingston, where he arrived on 6 Feb. (Shrove Tuesday).

The river was crossed without difficulty, and a plan was formed to surprise Ludgate. On the way Wyatt hoped to capture St. James's Palace, where Queen Mary  had taken refuge. But his schemes were quickly betrayed to the government. A council of war decided to allow him to advance upon the city and then to press on him from every quarter.

He proceeded on 7 Feb. through Kensington to Hyde Park, and had a sharp skirmish at Hyde Park Corner with a troop of infantry. Escaping with a diminished following, he made his way past St. James's Palace. Proceeding by Charing Cross along the Strand and Fleet Street he reached Ludgate at two o'clock in the morning of 8 Feb. The gate was shut against him, and he was without the means or the spirit to carry it by assault. 

His numbers dwindled in the passage through London, and he retreated with very few followers to Temple Bar.

 There he was met by the Norroy herald, and, recognising that his cause was lost, he made a voluntary submission. After being taken to Whitehall, he was committed to the Tower, where the lieutenant, Sir John Brydges (afterwards first Lord Chandos), received him with opprobrious reproaches. On his arrest the French ambassador, De Noailles, paid a tribute to his valour and confidence. He wrote of him as 'le plus vaillant et asseuré de quoye j'aye jamais ouy parler, qui a mis ladicte dame et seigneurs de son conseil en telle et si grande peur, qu'elle s'est veue par l'espace de huict jours en bransle de sa couronne.' 

On 15 March he was arraigned at Westminster of high treason, was condemned, and sentenced to death. 

On the day appointed for his execution (11 April) Wyatt requested Lord Chandos, the lieutenant of the Tower, to permit him to speak to a fellow-prisoner, Edward Courtenay, earl of Devonshire .

 According to Chandos's report Wyatt on his knees begged Courtenay 'to confess the truth of himself.' The interview lasted half an hour. It does not appear that he said anything to implicate Princess Elizabeth , but he seems to have reproached Courtenay with being the instigator of his crime. Nevertheless, at the scaffold on Tower Hill he made a speech accepting full responsibility for his acts and exculpating alike Elizabeth and Courtenay.

After he was beheaded, his body was subjected to all the barbarities that formed part of punishment for treason. Next day his head was hung to a gallows on 'Hay Hill beside Hyde Park,' and subsequently his limbs were distributed among gibbets in various quarters of the town.
His head was stolen on 17 April.